Home » News & Updates » Content Update - HPU 260 Cardiac Care Unit
Date published 14/03/2018

An updated health planning unit, HPU260 Cardiac Care Unit (Revision 7), has been uploaded and describes operational, functional and design requirements for the support, monitoring and treatment of highly dependent patients with medical or surgical cardiac conditions. In addition, this document also describes the additional facility requirements needed to manage cardiac patients (medical and surgical) in a medical or cardiac inpatient unit.

The revised version has been informed by an extensive consultation process with clinical experts. Major changes include:

  • change of name as the scope of the service now better fits with cardiac rather than limited to coronary (the abbreviation stays the same i.e. CCU);
  • updated policies and standards;
  • a general revision of all information with a significant rework of content; and
  • updated schedule of accommodation which has changed from a single 8 bed unit to two scenarios, a 12 bed unit and a 6 bed CCU within a 28 bed IPU (these reflect common approaches but are indicative only).

A thank you is extended to all those who have contributed to the review of this document.