Home » News & Updates » AusHFG Website Update
Date published 26/11/2020


We are proud to announce the launch of our redesigned website home page!

The primary goal of the redesign process was to improve access to project resources and to create a more valuable, user-friendly experience across all platforms and devices. 

The new home page showcases aesthetic enhancements to provide a more engaging user experience and enhanced navigation.

Created with the user experience in mind, the redesign includes:

  • A reorganised 'Project Resources' tab
  • A condensed menu on the home-page.  Easily locate the required design resources and solutions.
  • The renaming of the 'Full Guidelines' tab.  This tab has been renamed  'AusHFG Parts'.
  • A dedicated 'About' tab.  Discover more information about AHIA, the AusHFG and other design and project-related documentation.

We hope you enjoy our new look!

For any suggestions, questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,

The AusHFG Team